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    Books - World Energy - 2050 (White Paper)
World Energy - 2050 (White Paper)

World Energy – 2050 (White Paper)
Edited by V.V. Bushuev (IES), V.A. Kalamanov (ISEDC)
– M: ENERGY Publishing Centre, 2012. – 320 с.

      Group of authors:
V.V. Bushuev (Introduction, Sections 2 and 3, Conclusion); A.M.Mastepanov (Section 3); N.K.
Kurichev (Sections 1, 7, 8, 9, 10); A.M. Belogoriev (Sections 7, 8, 9); A.I. Gromov (Sections 2 and 3)
      With kind contribution of:
L.A.Melentiev Institute of Energy Systems of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences:
L.S. Belyaev (Subsections 4.1, 5.5), O.V. Marchenko (Subsections 4.1, 5.5), S.V. Solomin (Subsections
4.1, 5.5)
Greenpeace Russia, Non-Profit Organisation: V.A. Tchuprov (Sections 5, 6)
Centre for Theoretical and Practical Researches of Social and Ecological Development: I.E. Shkradyuk
(Sections 5, 6)
Joint Institute of High Temperatures of the Russian Academy of Sciences: V.M. Batenin (Subsections
5.4, 5.5);
V.M. Maslennikov (Subsections 5.4, 5.5); S.A. Medin (Subsections 5.4, 5.5)
Expert Club of the Industry and Energy Sector, Nonprofit Partnership: G.E. Afanasiev (Section 5);
O.A. Panchikhina (Section 5)
Centre for Efficient Energy Utilization: I.G. Gritsevich (Subsection 4.2)

      This publication contains the world energy development forecast for the period up to 2050. The forecast of development of all key energy branches and the forecast of the energy trends in the leading countries and world regions has been built on the basis of the analysis of historical and current trends. The scenario approach used in the publication makes it possible to tie-in trends observed in various regions of the world, and in various energy branches, as well as to correlate technological, energy, economic, social and political factors. The analysis of quantitative trends and futureoriented structure of the fuel and energy balance is combined with the analysis of qualitative trends of the world energy development: reorganisation of energy markets and corporate structure of the energy sector of economy, regulatory systems and geopolitical priorities of the leading countries of the world. The ultimate result of the publication are recommendations on priority tasks of the Russian state energy policy, and particularly on those related to foreign policy activities'.



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