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Энергетическая стратегия России на период до 2020 года
Энергетическая стратегия России на период до 2030 года


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    Books - Fuel and Energy Complex and Economy of Russia: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow (1990-2010-2030)
Fuel and Energy Complex and Economy of Russia: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow (1990-2010-2030)

Fuel and Energy Complex and Economy of Russia: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow (1990-2010-2030)
Under the editorship of Yu.K. Shafranik
– Moscow, ENERGY Publishing Centre, 2012. – 462 с., 130 figures.

      This publication contains a comprehensive analysis of the situation in the energy industry of post-Soviet Russia starting from 1990, as well as the forecast of its strategic development for 2011-2030. It is for the first time that such a retrospective (for 20 years in the past) and forward-looking (for 20 years in the future) analysis of the energy sector interconnected with macroeconomic processes is published in Russia.
      Such an analysis makes it possible to reveal more deeply objective and subjective trends of the Russian fuel and energy complex development. The energy industry is considered in the context of macroeconomic and political processes in Russia, as well as in comparison with energy trends in the world markets during the same periods.
      It should be emphasised that authors do take a detached view of these processes, but act as active participants of the fuel and energy complex reforming in the past and strategic foresight of its development in the future. Though not all the reforms were implemented in the way they had been conceived, the analysis of the authors' experience represents a great interest since today the fuel and energy complex again needs drastic reforms.
      The book contains a lot of factual materials. The authors' estimations built upon them, though being inevitably subjective, give an integral picture of the Russian economy and energy industry development.
      The book is intended both for professionals in the field of energy and economy, and a wide range of readers who are concerned with the destinies of the Russian energy industry and the country as a whole.


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